Is this YOU? You’ve reduced your calorie intake and you’re working out at the gym on a regular basis. So why is it that you still can’t get rid of that spare tire hanging around your tummy? Your body might be fighting against your weight loss efforts.
The culprit? Chronic, low-grade inflammation.
Research shows that a significant contributor to chronic inflammation comes from what we eat. When you eat inflammatory foods on a daily basis, you’re constantly turning on your body’s alarm system. Because your immune system alarm is never disarmed, over time, this incessant inflammatory response can lead to weight gain, drowsiness, skin problems, digestive issues, and a host of diseases, from diabetes to obesity to cancer.
If you can’t lose weight, or if your weight loss efforts have plateaued, make sure you eliminate these 14 foods from your diet! In my signature online program, EatSimple28, you’ll eliminate these foods, and replace them with nutrient-dense foods that fuel your body, and ultimately will help you lose the weight you want!
- Sugar: anything with added sugar
- Vegetable-Oil in mayonnaise, salad dressings, barbecue sauce, crackers, bread, potato chips
- Fried Foods: french fries, fried chicken, fish sticks, chicken tenders, onion rings
- Refined Flour: Pizza, white bread, crackers, pasta, pretzels, flour tortillas, breakfast cereals, bagels
- Dairy: Milk, soft cheeses, yogurt, butter
- Artificial Sweeteners in no-sugar-added products, no-calorie “Diet” soft drinks
- Artificial Additives in breakfast cereals, processed foods containing fruit, candy, ice cream
- Saturated Fats in burgers, pizza, candy, chips
- Conventional Grain-Fed Meats: Beef, chicken, pork
- Processed Meats such as bacon, hot dogs, bologna, sausage, jerky
- Gluten from Store-Bought Bread: store-bought bread made from refined, white flour
- A Second Round of Alcohol: Beer, wine, and liquors
- Trans Fat Foods such as margarine/shortening; baked goods like doughnuts, cookies, and muffins; non-dairy coffee creamers; frozen pizza; frosting
- Fast Food: you know what this is!